Make the Most of Employees’ Motivation in January

Give the Gift of Health 

It’s never too early to start thinking ahead to the new year. The time is now – to decide to offer your employees an engaging and camaraderie-building group health and wellness challenge that focuses on improving their nutrition, health and wellness. Prepare for the new year by treating them right! 

Participating in a health and wellness challenge that encourages team support and health improvements will set them up for wellness success all year long. Why not explore signing them up for one that provides them with the evidence-based, research-backed most impactful ways for participants to take charge of their health, fight illness, reverse disease, boost gut health and feel and think better — without being “on a diet?” (In fact, do you know the most important element of a wellness program? I wrote about it in an earlier newsletter here). 

This coming January is the perfect time to offer employees a seat in a program that will allow them to feel better physically and mentally in 2024. Employees are excited and motivated to improve their wellness and start their new year off right! Harness this energy and excitement with a sustainable wellness program masked as an enticing Group Challenge. 

How the 12 Fix Group Challenge Works

The 12 Fixes to Healthy Challenge Program takes a non-diet approach to wellness in a Challenge format that is based on a Mediterranean, whole-food lifestyle. This unique wellness program integrates food timing, gut health, the newest protein science, fitness, sleep, eating ergonomics and mindfulness all in one Challenge. Participants start by adopting just one new Fix; additional Fixes are introduced one at a time throughout a 12-week time period (split into 3 one-month time periods). Plus, they only need to adopt the Fixes 80% of the time to be successful – no pressure to be perfect! Team support is a big part of the Challenge, too - connections and camaraderie among your employees are built and are lasting. 

A registered dietitian nutritionist leads groups in implementing each of the 12 Fixes, in turn, using the 12 Fixes to Healthy book and 12 Fixes app. Together the participants concentrate on just one Fix and continue to add each of the 12 Fixes one at a time as the challenge continues for 12 weeks, allowing participants time to concentrate and adopt sustainable changes in their lives.  

Why This Challenge Over Other Corporate Wellness Programs? 

  • Weekly wellness education from a registered dietitian nutritionist

  • Daily points given for team support to encourage adherence and unity

  • Wellness changes introduced one at a time rather than all at once for sustainable changes

  • Points earned for weekly readings from 12 Fixes to Healthy book to provide participants tools to succeed

  • A point system where 80% adherence to the plan is ideal (as 100% adherence to the plan is not realistic or necessary)

  • User-friendly app that tracks participant’s progress and displays Challenge points 

  • Daily support from dietitian via group’s communication platform

The best part: participants continue adopting the strategies introduced in this evidenced-based program. When we surveyed past participants, 98% of them continued their new habits beyond the 12 Fix Challenge.  

Take advantage of motivation and increased participation that comes with the new year! Offer the 12 Fix Challenge to your team. And yes, a portion of the program can be paid for by using a Health Savings Card. I'll work with you to understand your goals and make this 12 Fix Challenge a truly positive experience for participants and your organization. 

Contact me to learn more and reserve your place for a January Group Challenge – spots are filling up fast! Email me or schedule a time to talk

Are you a dietitian interested in leading 12 Fixes to Healthy Group Challenge programs under your business? No need to reinvent the wheel. Contact me


Goodbye, Weight Loss Drugs. Hello, Sustainable Health and Wellness


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